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Organizational Structure

Organizational Chart



The Co-chairs are voting members of and preside over the Board of Trustees with the right to 2 votes each. They are responsible for the overall coordination of Commission activities throughout the hemisphere as well as in other interested countries.

The Co-chairs are the main advocates for the Commission and will host events, road shows and other activities relevant to the development of the objectives of the Commission. There will be an annual Board of Trustees meeting that involves all Co-chairs.


Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the governing body of the International Biofuels Commission and shall be comprised of an array of public and private sector officials and NGOs from each of the member countries of the Commission.

There are 2 levels of Trustee Membership and 1 level of Associative Membership, each of which requires a minimum annual financial contribution: 

Commissioner Trustees

The IBC’s most prestigious level of membership is designed for organizations who wish to have the highest level of access to business and government decision-makers and the greatest degree of input and influence on the Board of Trustees. Commissioners provide input to the IBC on public policies and positions. This level offers ultimate networking opportunities. All companies who contribute at this level will have the right to appoint 2 members from their organization to the Board of Trustees with the right to 2 votes.

Executive Trustees

The IBC’s intermediate level of membership is designed for organizations who wish to have a high level of access to business and government decision-makers and the opportunity for representation on the Board of Trustees. Trustees provide input to the IBC on public policies and positions. All organizations who contribute at this level will have the right to appoint 1 member from their organization to the Board of Trustees with the right to 1 vote.

Associate Members

These members are the backbone of the IBC. Associate Members are afforded strong exposure throughout IBC activities and will also have significant access to other corporate decision-makers. All organizations who contribute at this level will have the right to appoint 1 member from their organization to participate in IBC activities and attend Board of Trustees meetings.

Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees Include:

  • Establishing goals, and strategic plans
  • Determining and monitoring the Commission's objectives and activities
  • Setting policies and other guidelines for operation
  • Ensuring effective organizational planning
  • Ensuring and protecting the Commission’s financial stability and solvency
  • Approving the organization’s annual budget
  • Designating, supporting, and assessing the performance of the Executive Director
  • Enhancing the commission's public image
  • Assessing its own performance


Strategic Partners

The IBC’s Strategic Partners shall be comprised of Non-profit Organizations and other groups that contribute to the IBC’s activities and operations but are unable to make a financial contribution. The Co-chairs, by consensus, may invite any organization to become a Strategic Partner that they feel will be beneficial to the IBC and the organization in question. Strategic Partners are not members of the Board of Trustees or the Advisory Board.



The Commission consists of various functional committees, which will serve to further the objectives of the Commission.


Only Commissioner Trustees are eligible to chair committees. Both Commissioner Trustees and Executive Trustees are eligible to serve as vice-chairs for the committees. Preference will be given to those trustees with expertise in the area of committee jurisdiction. Any trustee may voluntarily serve on one or more of the committees.

The current standing committees are:

Research / Supply & Demand

The committee shall:

  • Aim to integrate existing studies and commissioned studies from throughout the hemisphere in the areas laid out in the Strategic Plan
  • Promote the integration of technical and scientific research efforts throughout the hemisphere related to the production and distribution of ethanol
  • Coordinate and contribute to assessment studies as identified in the Commission’s Strategic Plan.
  • Promote meetings and seminars among leading universities and research institutions that conduct technical and scientific research on ethanol production and feedstock.


The committee shall:

  • Work to promote environmentally conscious and responsible ethanol operations.
  • With the results of the assessments studies, promote (particularly during the “road shows” ) the economic possibilities generated by carbon credits and how these credits can be used as incentives for private investment in ethanol projects


The committee shall:

  • Create programs that serve to identify how to use renewable fuels as a tool to promote economic development and poverty alleviation
  • Determine the financial resources required to foster such development
  • Seek grants from development groups and government agencies to promote the developmental component of ethanol production and use


The committee shall:

  • With the results of the assessments studies, work to determine the investment needs in both agriculture and infrastructure in order to enable a hemisphere-wide ethanol blended fuel policy
  • Work to determine the most appropriate incentives and financing mechanisms to attract private investment
  • Promote the amount of carbon credits that increased ethanol use can generate and determine how these credits can be employed as incentives for private investment in ethanol projects


The committee shall:

  • Along with the research committee, explore different types of ethanol technology aimed at making ethanol production more efficient
  • Respond to groups that request guidance from the IBC on ethanol technologies their companies are promoting or for which they are seeking investment
  • Promote the use of new, more efficient flex-fuel engines


The committee will work to ensure transparency and shall assist the Board of Trustees in monitoring:

  • The accounting, financial, and external reporting policies and practices of the Commission
  • The integrity of the Commission’s financial statements
  • The Commission’s compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and its standards of business conduct and ethics
Additional ad-hoc committees shall be formed as the need arises.


Executive Secretariat

The Executive Secretariat, located in Miami, is the entity responsible for the centralization of administrative duties. This includes:

  • Logistics
  • Coordination of the Commission’s public activities and private meetings
  • Coordination of periodic meetings
  • Maintenance of records and official documents
  • Coordination of the Commission’s research component, aggregating all materials in one, central clearinghouse
  • Providing a forum for potential investors and governments to access information on all aspects of ethanol and its potential

Satellite Administrative Offices

Each member country of the IBC shall house its own local administrative office. These offices may be stand-alone operations or be incorporated into an existing local organization. The functions of the satellite offices will include:

  • Oversight of the country’s IBC activities and report back to the Executive Secretariat
  • Coordination with Miami on logistics for any IBC event held in their own local venue

Financial Obligations

  • Minimum annual contribution to serve as Commissioner Trustee: $100,000
  • Minimum annual contribution to serve as Executive Trustee: $40,000
  • Minimum annual contribution to serve as Associate Member: $10,000


** The Commission will conduct an array of activities throughout the Western Hemisphere. While the Commission will seek means to economize participation through in-kind support, Commission members are ultimately responsible for their own travel and accommodations. **


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