“Introducing alternative fuels…can reduce our dependence on foreign oil, spur innovation and economic growth, and increase protection for our natural resources. Increasing the use, production and importation of ethanol blended gasoline is a practical and expedient measure to achieve these complementary goals.”
~ Governor Jeb Bush, State of Florida |
Help Fuel The Future
Promote the usage of ethanol in the gasoline pools of the Western Hemisphere
Main Objectives
The commission will serve to foster awareness of the benefits of renewable fuels to economies throughout the Americas. The commission will also contribute toward a framework for a rationalized and viable regional marketplace in ethanol, promoting the policy guidance necessary to spur both foreign and domestic investment in environmentally sound renewable fuel production and infrastructure.
The commission is co-chaired by:
Jeb Bush, Former Governor of the State of Florida
Roberto Rodrigues, President of the Superior Council of Agribusiness of Brazil & Former Brazilian Minister of Agriculture
Ambassador Luis Moreno, President of the Inter-American Development Bank
Current Stakeholders include:
Florida FTAA, Inc. – Ambassador Chuck Cobb, Chairman; J. Antonio Villamil,
Vice Chair; Brian C. Dean, Executive Director; Jorge L. Arrizurieta, Dominique Virchaux, and Mario Fernandez, Co-chairs, Ethanol Committee
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agrícola (EMBRAPA)
Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP)
Pólo Nacional de Biocombustíveis / São Paulo University (USP)